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Buttermilk Biscuits

·86 words·1 min·
Biscuits Bread
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350 F – 15 minutes


  • 250 g AP Flour

  • 1 t Salt

  • 2 t baking powder

  • 1/4 t baking soda

  • 7 T butter cut up and frozen

  • 3/4 C chilled buttermilk

  • 1/4 C buttermilk for brushing biscuits


  1. Blend all ingredients except chilled buttermilk in food processor
  2. Drizzle chilled buttermilk into processor to form dough
  3. Roll out dough & fold & roll 3 or 4 times
  4. Cut out biscuits & place on cookie sheet
  5. Brush biscuits with buttermilk
  6. Bake for 15 minutes